Benefit Administration Services for Employers


Third Party Administer Serving the Employer Community Providing Pre-Tax Plan and Benefit Administration Services

The Progressive Benefit Solutions, LLC (PBS) Prepaid Benefits Card provides point of sale access to the various FSA, multiple HR tasks, and HSA purse accounts. When you have an eligible benefit expense at a pharmacy, doctor’s office or other business establishment that accepts MasterCard™, you simply use the PBS Prepaid Benefits Card to make the purchase or cover the expense. The amount of the qualified expense is automatically deducted from the respective employer/employee accounts and transferred to the provider / merchant for immediate payment. In compliance with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations, The PBS Prepaid Benefits Card screens transactions by merchant code, thus, enabling the prevention of inappropriate use (non-healthcare related purchases). Upon termination of employment, card will be de-activated and any pending claims not satisfied with the card thereby forcing the participant to revert to the Manual Claims process.

Manual Claims

Reimbursement for manual claims will be submitted and processed by Progressive Benefit Solutions during the Plan Year, but in no event later than 90 days after the end of a Plan Year. However, if a participant terminates employment during the Plan Year, their manual claims must be submitted within 90 days after termination of employment. Claims submitted after that time will not be considered. Claims for benefits that are insured will be reviewed in accordance with procedures contained in the policies. All other general claims or requests should be directed to the Administrator of the Plan. If a non-insured claim under the Plan is denied in whole or in part, you or your beneficiary will receive written notification. The notification will include the reasons for the denial, a description of any additional information needed to process the claim and an explanation of the claims review procedure. A claim will be treated as denied if not responded to within 90 days. Within 60 days after denial, the participant or their beneficiary may submit a written request for reconsideration of the application to the Administrator.


Refunds will be credited to the employer’s account by Progressive Benefit Solutions through credit memos for PBS Prepaid Benefits Card transactions and refund checks for Manual Claims will be handled accordingly.

Compliance Services

Monthly web-based reporting of plan activity, year-end tax reporting and Form 5500 preparation will be provide by Progressive Benefit Solutions. In addition to monthly and year-end reporting, all transactions, membership lists, and balance details reports are available at administrative web site.

Customer Service

Toll-free customer service lines for employees and employers will be provided during regular workdays at (888) 333-3901. Customer service hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST. Additional information can be found at administrative web site and through PBS On-Line.

Advantages of an FSA Plan
  • Regulated by the IRS, this program allows you to set aside a portion of your income on a pre-tax basis to pay for eligible medical, dental and pharmacy expenses that are not covered under your employer’s health plans. The money you deposit into an FSA is a pre-tax contribution that will avoid be taxed. That saves you money on every dollar you set aside. To estimate your tax savings based upon your participation see our FSA Calculator.
Contribution Election
  • Effective for 2025, FSA Plans will be limited to a maximum pre-taxed deduction of $3,300 indexed annually.
  • A unique feature of an FSA vs. the DCA or QTA Plans is that the amount you elect to contribute over the plan year through payroll deductions is immediately available to you to pay for qualified health care related expenses. The DCA and QTA Plans only make available the amount of your actual contributions with regards to the payment of a plan’s qualified expenses.
  • With regards to your annual Election amounts, the IRS “Use It or Lose It” rule stipulates that monies remaining in your FSA account at the end of the Plan Year be forfeited unless claimed by the end of your plan year or if available – your plan’s year extended submission period after the end of the Plan Year. For this reason, it is important that you estimate your projected expenses conservatively to assure that you exhaust the entire amount of your pre-tax election during the plan year for each product in which your participate.
Program Parameters
  • The FSA can be used to cover qualified medical care expenses defined by IRS Publication 502 as amounts paid for: (1) the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease or for the purpose of affecting any structure or function of the body; (2) expenses include payments for legal medical services rendered by physicians, surgeons, dentists, and other medical practitioners including pharmacy related expenses. They include the costs of equipment, supplies, and diagnostic devices needed for these purposes; (3) medical care expenses must be primarily to alleviate or prevent a physical or mental defect or illness and do not include expenses that are merely beneficial to general health, such as vitamins; (4) medical expenses include transportation amounts incurred primarily for and essential to medical care.
  • Out-of-pocket medical expenses may be reimbursed for the employee, a spouse and IRS eligible dependents so long as: (1) expenses are qualified under IRS Code Section 105 and 213; (2) all other sources of reimbursement are exhausted (ex. health insurance plan); (3) reimbursement will not be sought from any additional source and; (4) documentation to substantiate expenses must be maintained and submitted for verification.
  • To see a sample listing of eligible over-the-counter and medical products and services and ineligible expenses follow this link: FSA Eligible-Ineligible Expenses as of 2011. Note that some expenses may require a Letter of Medical Necessity Form in order to be considered for reimbursement. Further information regarding eligible expenses is available through IRS Publication 502 and IRS Code Section 213.
  • FSA accounts require that participants re-enroll annually. The Plan eligibility is defined by the employer and detailed in their FSA Plan Document and/or SPD. Expenses may be reimbursed for yourself, your spouse, your tax qualified dependent(s) and/or your tax qualified relatives.
Annual Enrollment

Pursuant to IRS guidelines, you are required to re-enroll each year during the annual open enrollment period to participate in an FSA. After the annual open enrollment period you can not make any changes to your FSA unless you have a qualifying family status change. You have 31 days from the effective date of your family status change to make changes to your Plan. In addition, any changes in election must be consistent with your family status changes, which include the following:

  • Marriage or Divorce
  • Birth or adoption of a child
  • Death of a dependent or spouse
  • Full loss or gain of employment for you, your spouse or your dependent
  • A leave of absence taken by employee

If you terminate employment or cease to be an eligible participant under the plan, your program participation will end. Any amounts taken after termination will be reimbursed on an after-tax basis. Expenses for services rendered after the termination date are ineligible for reimbursement. Upon termination or a qualified participant or beneficiary event, you or your beneficiary may be entitled to COBRA continuation coverage under the FSA. You or your beneficiary may receive reimbursement for qualified medical expenses incurred after termination or qualified event provided contributions and a 2% administrative fee are made on an after-tax basis. The participant must have a positive balance in their FSA account, continuation coverage for the remainder of the plan year must equal or exceed the remaining account balance and COBRA must be elected within 60 days of the COBRA notice. Refer to the Summary Plan Description or contact PBS at 1-888-333-3901 for additional eligibility and enrollment information To enroll or make a change in an FSA, a PBS Enrollment/Change Form must be completed during the annual open enrollment period or within 31 days of a qualifying family status change. You may download the form directly from the PBS website or contact PBS at 1-888-333-3901.

Claim Reimbursement

To facilitate the reimbursement of qualified FSA expenses, participants have the option of electing a Prepaid Benefits Card issued by PBS through the PBS Prepaid Benefits Card Program. At the beginning of the plan year, your election amount will be automatically loaded to your card and is available for reimbursement. As you incur qualified medical and dental care expenses, your funds will be automatically withdrawn from your account with a swipe of the PBS Prepaid Benefits Card. Only the cost of medical products and services allowed under the IRS Code Section 213 and your employer’s FSA Plan Document are eligible for reimbursement. If these medical products and services include expenses that can be provided for both a medical and cosmetic, capital expenditure, personal, living and/or family purpose, a Medical Necessity Form Letter must be submitted along with your FSA Claim Reimbursement Form. Over-the-Counter drugs and medicines require a Medical Necessity Form Letter to determine reimbursement eligibility. You may download a Medical Necessity Form Letter from the PBS web site at, or by contacting PBS at 1-888-333-3901. Note that health care services must be “incurred” before you file a claim for reimbursement. IRS guidelines stipulate that “expenses are treated as having been incurred when the participant is provided with the medical care that gives rise to the medical expense and not when the patient is formally billed, charged for or pays for the medical care.” The date of medical service must be within the plan year of participation. You may use the PBS Prepaid Benefits Card at qualifying medical merchant locations where a MasterCard™ credit card is accepted. The PBS Prepaid Benefits Card may only be used at those locations which have a health-care related merchant category code. Examples of qualified locations medical and health care professional offices such as: physician offices, pharmacies, dental offices, grocery and discount stores, hospitals and vision centers. A pharmacy must use an Inventory Information Approval System (IIAS) which only allow the Card to purchase items identified as eligible expenses. If your purchase has both eligible and ineligible expenses, the location will only accept the PBS Prepaid Benefits Card for the eligible expenses. Ineligible expenses must be paid via another method. You can not use your PBS Prepaid Benefits Card at retail locations that do not use an IIAS. Regardless of the form of reimbursement (the PBS Prepaid Benefits Card or other form of payment) IRS provisions stipulate that all expenses be substantiated; however, many transactions are automatically substantiated by the card system using one of the below IRS-approved substantiation methods: Recurring Expense – Recurring transactions will be processed and approved without recurring documentation after the initial transaction’s substantiating receipts or other documentation have been reviewed and approved. Documentation requests will not be required so long as the subsequent recurring expense equals the same amount, duration and provider as the initial transaction. Co-pay Matching – The expense specifically matches your health plan’s co-pay. For example, if the healthcare provider office visit co-pay is $10 and your payment for the office visit was $10, a substantiating receipt may not be required. IIAS Approved – Your FSA-eligible products are purchased at a location that uses the IIAS. In the unlikely event that your card payment is denied at a location that uses the IIAS, you will be required to submit substantiating documentation in order to received reimbursement. If your expense is not automatically substantiated, PBS will request additional supporting documentation via an email or letter request. Acceptable Supporting documentation includes:

  • An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from the insurance carrier indicating the patient name, date of service, and out-of-pocket expenses associated with claim.
  • An itemized statement from the service provider for expenses not covered by insurance. The statement must include: (1) the patient’s name; (2) date of service; (3) description of procedure; (4) physician name and (5) the service charge.
  • Prescription Drugs – A statement from the pharmacy indicating: (1) pharmacy name; (2) patient name; (3) date of prescription fill; (4) patient cost (ex. co-pay); (5) Rx number and; (5) name of drug.
  • Eligible Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications – A completed Letter of Medical Necessity Form including an itemized cash register receipt indicating: (1) medication name; and (2) OTC purchase date.

In order for your claim to be reimbursed you must retain copies of all itemized receipts for eligible expenses. It is recommended that all receipts be retained for at least 3 years after the close of the plan year in which the expense has been incurred. Keep in mind that IRS regulations stipulate that cancelled checks, balance forward statements, and credit card and/or cash receipts cannot be used to substantiate expenses (itemized cash register receipts are acceptable substantiation for eligible over-the-counter expenses not requiring a Letter of Medical Necessity Form). Note that missing or lost receipts will result in a claim denial. If you are unable to secure a replacement receipt or use your PBS Prepaid Benefits Card for expenses that are deemed ineligible, your claim will be denied and you will be required to reimburse the plan with post-tax dollars. If you fail to do so, your PBS Prepaid Benefits Card will be de-activated and/or the Administrator will offset the amount of the ineligible expense from your later substantiated claims until the full amount is repaid. In those cases where you are unable to use your PBS Prepaid Benefits Card or if you prefer the manual reimbursement method, you must first pay for your FSA expenses, then submit a Claim Reimbursement Form to PBS for processing. Claim Reimbursement Forms may be downloaded through the PBS web site and must be submitted directly to PBS for reimbursement by mail or through the use of the PBS On-Line facility at If you choose the manual reimbursement method, you may request your reimbursements be paid via direct deposit. Simply access the PBS web site to enroll in this option.

The DCA is a valuable component of any employee benefit program. Regulated by the IRS, this program let you pay for eligible dependent care expenses with pre-tax dollars. In other words, the money you deposit into the DCA will never be taxed. That saves you money on every dollar you set aside. You can save as much as 30% on dependent care expenses by participating.

The DCA benefit program provides for the following:

  • An annual pre-tax maximum election amount of up to $5,000. Note: Participant’s dependent care costs may exceed the YTD amount deductions submitted to PBS, necessitating split payments
  • The DCA payroll deductions can be used to covers expenses for a qualified dependent, defined as:
    • Child(ren) under age 13 whom you are entitled to claim as dependents on your federal income tax return; and/or
    • Participant’s spouse or any dependent living in household who is physically and/or mentally incapable of self-care who spends at least eight hours a day in your home
  • Qualified dependent care expenses include:
    • Care at licensed nursery schools, day camps (not overnight camps) and child care centers which provide day care.
    • Services from individuals – other than your or your spouse’s dependent or children under age 19 who provide care in or outside your home.
    • Participants need to save all receipts because Dependent Care FSAs are IRS-regulated benefits and may require submission of receipts to verify expenses.
    • Dependent Care FSA funds become available as they are deducted from the paycheck and submitted to PBS.
    • DC FSA funds can only be used at valid dependent care locations.
    • Deduction should be taken a maximum of two times per month for bi-weekly payroll:
    • Applies specifically for months with 3 pay periods
    • Pre-fund: same as the health care FSA
    • Percent of annual election amount
Participants need to save all receipts because Dependent Care FSAs are IRS-regulated benefits and may require submission of receipts to verify expenses.

You can submit incurred expenses for reimbursement either manually or through the PBS On-Line facility by accessing the PBS website You can request that your DCA reimbursements be paid via direct deposit into your account. Again, simply access the PBS website and click onto PBS On-Line.

The QTA is a valuable component of the any employee benefit program where individuals are using mass transit or incurring parking expenses related to work. Regulated by the IRS, this program let you pay for eligible transportation expenses with pre-tax dollars. In other words, the money you deposit into the QTA will never be taxed. That saves you money on every dollar you set aside. You can save as much as 30% on transportation expenses by participating.

A QTA enables pre-tax dollars to be used for eligible transit and parking expenses related to your commute to work as governed by IRC Section 132.

IRS sets maximum monthly pre-tax deduction and spending and adjusts annually – for 2025, these are:

  • Transit Passes or Commuter Highway Vehicle – $325.00
  • Parking – $325.00

Participation in both of these accounts is permitted; however, the funds cannot be transferred between accounts. Contributions become available for reimbursement based on the payroll deduction cycle, like Dependent Care. Elections can be changed monthly. Unused months can be carrier over to the following months.

In 2006, the IRS issued rules governing the use of a prepaid benefit card in connection with QTA benefits. The PBS Prepaid Benefits Card in compliance with the Ruling supports:

  • Enabled QTA administrators to provide a prepaid benefit card for transit benefits transit expenses and in all markets with respect to commuter parking benefits per the discretion of the third party administrator.
  • The loading of payroll deduction information on the PBS Prepaid Benefits Card for the electronic swiping of payments.
  • The ability to load separate reservoirs of funds or “purses” for parking and transit expenses.
  • The ability to hold purses for multiple programs, i.e. FSA, HRA, HSA, & QTA.
  • Validate pre-tax monthly limits at the POS.

Parking includes Automobile parking lots & garages. Transit includes Railroads, suburban & local commuter passenger expenses, including ferries, buses, and other transportation services. Expenses are limited to qualified parking at or near the work location or at a location from which a mass transit is used. Expenses are limited to the employee expenses only, spousal expenses are not allowed. All reimbursable expenses must be incurred and paid. The prepaid benefit card swipe verifies that the expense has been incurred and the merchant paid. Provisions for recurring expense processing requires that an initial claim be submitted and substantiated manually after which subsequent transactions can be automatically substantiated.

In those cases where you are unable to use your PBS Prepaid Benefits Card, access the PBS website at to:

  • Submit incurred expense for reimbursement either manually or through PBS On-Line.
  • Request that your QTA reimbursements be paid via direct deposit into your account.
Health Reimbursement Arrangements can be designed as a defined reimbursement or a defined co-insurance reimbursement program and like Flexible Spending Accounts, the benefits of the program flow tax free to the participant employees.

The HRA program offers the following benefits:

  • Doctor Office Co-Pays
  • Prescription Co-Pays
  • Emergency Room Co-Pays
  • Out-Patient Surgery Deductibles
  • Hospital Deductibles
  • Dental and/or Vision only, as well as HSA eligible HRAs (post deductible)

The HRA can only be funded by the employer and the employee with receive all distributions tax-free. The program has relatively few restrictions in comparison to an HSA; however the plan is subject to the discretion of the employer with regards to covered benefits and plan design. And with the efficiency of the Progressive Benefit Solutions Administrative Systems and through the use of the PBS Prepaid Benefits Card, employers and employees will benefit because:

  • The approach is cash flow friendly
  • Convenient (all 213 eligible health care expenses)
  • Provides both automatic claim reimbursement and manual claim submission processing
  • Supports on-line reporting in real-time through the Progressive Benefit Solutions web-based administrative system
  • Offers multiple purse management: (FSA, HRA & HSA) and qualified Transportation Management Accounts
Implementation Process

There are several steps necessary to set up an Employer sponsored HRA Plan. Both the employer and Progressive Benefit Solutions have responsibilities that are required to assure a smooth implementation. PBS will provide a checklist of these requirements as part of the implementation process. All of these plans are governed by rules established by the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Labor. As such, the rules require a written plan document, and that benefits are offered on a non-discriminatory basis. Progressive Benefit Solutions will provide customizable documents for the implementation of the plan(s) and address all questions and/or issues regarding the various responsibilities of the parties relevant to the plan.

Market Demand for HSAs

As part of the consumer directed health care movement, Progressive Benefit Solutions offers full Health Savings Account administration. Collectively with our trustee partners, we can help an employer to respond to the growing market demand for consumer directed products and take advantage of a new revenue opportunity for your company through an HSA offering. The HSA will reduce an employer expenses, allow them to offer better benefit packages to their employees and provide their employees with flexibility, choice and tax advantages, all which will ensure stability for future health care expenses. The HSA provides financial incentive for employers of all sizes and individual consumers to provide health insurance and put health care decisions back in the hands of the consumers.

What is an HSA?

Health Savings Accounts were created by the Medicare reform legislation. HSAs combine a high deductible health insurance plan (HDHP) with a tax-exempt trust or custodial account to pay for qualified medical expenses. The HSA is an individual health account that is owned by the employee and may be used for the payment of medical expenses that are not covered by a high deductible health plan. Individuals or employers may contribute on a pretax basis. Funds used for qualifying healthcare expenses are tax-free to the account holder. HSAs are similar to individual retirement arrangements (IRAs) in that the participant owns them, directs the investments, and amounts not used continue to accumulate in the account. Employees can make pre-tax contributions to an HSA via payroll deduction or by direct deposit into the account via check or electronic funds transfer. When combined with a qualified High Deductible Health Plan, the HDHP covers serious illness or injury, while the HSA pays for medical expenses until the deductibles are met.

Features and Benefits of a HSA

Administrators, health plans, employers and employees will benefit from the Progressive Benefit Solutions’ and Evolution Benefits’ HSA solution when offered in conjunction with a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) in the following ways:

  • Tax-advantaged – Contributions are tax-free, potential interest gains accumulate tax-free and distributions are tax-free when used to pay for qualified medical expenses.
  • Flexible – Funds can be used for non-medical expenses. At age 65, unused HSA money can be withdrawn for non-medical reasons without penalty; ordinary income tax will be charged on the money withdrawn for non-medical reasons.
  • Convenient – The PBS Prepaid Benefits Card benefits debit card provides employees with an easy way to access HSA contributions. Each employee will get a benefits debit card that they can use for easy payment of qualified medical expenses at the point of service. Funds are transferred immediately from the HSA at the point-of-service.
  • Multiple Accounts on Same Card – The solution provides the ability to coordinate fully with other health care product lines like FSAs and HRAs, enabling multiple accounts to be accessed on the same card – traditional bank HSA debit cards cannot support multiple products.
  • Portable – The remaining balance rolls over from year to year; accounts move with employees even if change of employment or retirement.
  • A Savings Solution for Future Health Needs – Unused contributions accumulate and can be saved and used for future medical expenses (e.g., can be used to pay COBRA or other medical insurance premiums during periods of unemployment or temporary layoff).
  • And, annually, the IRS will released the cost of living adjustments for HSA HDHP limits, for 2023 and 2024 these limits are as follows:
Rev. Proc. 2023-23
Rev. Proc. 2022-24
Annual limitation on deductions to an HSA – self-only coverage$4,150$4,300
Annual limitation on deductions to an HSA – family coverage$8,300 $8,550
HDHP – self-only coverage
· Annual deductible not less than:
· Annual out-of-pocket expenses do not exceed:

HDHP – family coverage
· Annual deductible not less than:
· Annual out-of-pocket expenses do not exceed:



For 2025:
The annual contribution limit is: $4,300/$8,550.
The HDHP minimum deductible is: $1650/$3300
HDHP OOP Max is: $8,300/$16,600

The HSA Solution

The reasons to offer a Health Savings Account to employers and employees are clear. And, so are the reasons to choose Progressive Benefit Solutions and our financial partners for your HSA program.

  • World Class Trustee Partners – offering an array of highly rated Morningstar funds and core money-market accounts with ability to direct funds into long-term investment vehicles. HSA Trustee Program Services Package Offering Includes:– Investment options – employees can select from a spectrum of investment options to match their preferred investment style– Record keeping – including processing HSA deposits, withdrawals, posting transactions, preparing and distributing bank statements– Checkbook option – to access HSA funds– Regulatory services – Trustees will perform year-end reporting on required IRS forms
  • Maximum Functionality with Minimum Implementation Work – Progressive Benefit Solutions maintains the relationship with its clients. Evolution Benefits serves as technology hub directing the flow of information between you and the trustee. Progressive Benefit Solutions handles all enrollment/ eligibility management and all customer service and support.
  • Proven Multi-Account Coordination – the powerful ability to manage the administration of HSAs along with FSA, TMA and HRA accounts on the same card, in compliance with IRS guidelines (see Multiple Purse Stacking Model in Section 1).
  • The Convenient PBS Prepaid Benefits Card Solution – providing employees with an easy way to access HSA contributions via our benefits debit card used for payment of qualified medical expenses at the point of service. Funds are transferred immediately from the HSA at the point-of-service.
Our World Class Trustee Partners

In concert with Evolution Benefits, Progressive Benefit Solutions has an established partnership with WEX Bank to provide trustee services for the HSA Program. As part of the HSA Program, you select a trustee after comparing capabilities, products and services as highlighted below.

Implementation Process

PBS will provide an outline of the steps necessary to set up any of the programs outlined herein. It details both the employer and Progressive Benefit Solutions’ responsibilities to insure a smooth implementation. The checklist also serves as an outline of the agreement between Progressive Benefit Solutions and the employer regarding the scope of the mutual responsibilities associated with the implementation and on-going administration of FSA, HRA, HSA and MTA accounts. All of these plans are governed by rules established by the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Labor. As such, the rules require a written plan document, and that benefits are offered on a non-discriminatory basis. Progressive Benefit Solutions will provide customizable documents for the implementation of the plan(s) and address all questions and/or issues regarding the various responsibilities of the parties relevant to the plan.

Compliance Services

Monthly web-based reporting of plan activity, year-end tax reporting and Form 5500 preparation will be provide by Progressive Benefit Solutions. In addition to monthly and year-end reporting, all transactions, membership lists, and balance details reports are available at administrative web site.

Provide customer service

Toll-free customer service lines for employees and employers will be provided during regular workdays at (888) 333-3901. Customer service hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST. Additional information can be found at administrative web site.

Contact Us You can always contact PBS to speak to a CSR by calling 203.208.4800 or toll free at 1-888-333-3901 between the hours of 8:30AM and 4:30PM Monday through Friday.

How the PBS Market Solution Works

Employer selects the plans / PBS builds the plans / Employees enroll in plans

In keeping up with the healthcare reform movement’s trend, PBS will provide an employer and its employees as the administrator of the on-line shopping and FSA/DCA/QTA benefits, a proven consumer-focused organization, blending people and technology to provide high-quality, cost effective customer service and administration. PBS Market Solutions is a platform that gives you a comprehensive solution for your entire employee population. Now you can offer a single benefits platform for your group-eligible employees, part-time staff and 1099 contractors.

How the PBS Market Solution Works


Call Us Today! A qualified representative is ready to answer any questions you may have 1-888-333-3901.

Key Features to PBS


PBS has the systems from private exchanges and benefit administration to its pre-tax administration delivering an integrated solution to the employer. We have developed partnerships that go beyond just systems and bring knowledge to the employers by providing market analysis and experience to the employer’s employee.


PBS partners with the best technology on the market today. It’s intelligent, fully integrated and can be configured to best fit the employer. Based on the market experience of the personnel at PBS, we uphold to high standards of excellence in everything that needs to be done. We will listen to your requests, deliver what is discussed and make sure it’s completed correctly.


The PBS standard is to simplify the HR, benefits and payroll process so that it efficient. The software was chosen because it has the employee using the systems in mind which makes it intuitive and easy-to-use.


With a unique expertise in benefits, pre-tax IRS plans and benefit administration, we are able to adapt quickly to an employer’s wants and needs. PBS provides the right solution for a cheap price. Better results for less money; that’s savvy.

Employer Experience